Music Library

African Drum Lessons

African Drumming Lesson

Five(ish) Minute African Drum Lessons. In this series, percussionist Farai Malianga talks about drums and

Little Kids Rock logo

Kids Rock!

Comprehensive modern band resources. Instructional videos, links to songs with chord charts for ukelele, piano,

Rhythm Randomizer

Rhythm Randomizer

Creates random rhythms with different difficulty options. Helps students read and notate music. See the

Careers in Music

Careers in Music

Links to different interviews about potential careers in music. Visit JW Pepper site.

Snare Technique

Snare Technique

Fresh approach to snare by Mark Wessels. Watch his videos on his YouTube channel.

San Fran Symphony keeping Score site

Music History

Interactive websites that features composers, musical technique, history, musical scores, and more on the San

Online Pianist logo

Virtual Keyboard

Improvise and notate music with a virtual keyboard. Use your phone, or computer using QWERTY

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Classics 4 Kids

Classics 4 Kids was founded to fill a gap in music education. Students attend high quality classical music concerts. Classics 4 Kids’ educational programs has